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Untitled 2 Feb 2003 | 10:26 pm

Think I'm gonna switch over to livejournal full time now. It's a lot easier to update with this little program I can have running in the system tray all the time.

Untitled 1 Feb 2003 | 01:18 pm

Man I just woke up from 14 hours of sleep and I think I can go for some more.....

Untitled 31 Jan 2003 | 10:10 pm

Chef Tony is such an excellent salesman. He rivals Ron Popeil. I totally want to buy his knives and cut wood and shit with them, then go right back to cutting tomatos in half like it just came right ...

Untitled 24 Jan 2003 | 08:22 pm

I just saw an amazing thing on MTV. They showed a Rancid video ("Ruby Soho"). Then right after they showed an Authority Zero video ("One More Minute"). Authority Zero = young white boy reggae which ...

Untitled 24 Jan 2003 | 04:45 am

It's a lot easier to go to class when you stay up all night. You don't have to deal with the whole...waking up thing. morning musume - koko ni iruzee (morning underground gogo4714 remix) This is se...

Untitled 23 Jan 2003 | 08:32 pm

I want to be Steven Segal when I grow up.

Untitled 23 Jan 2003 | 06:30 pm

I had my first Japanese class ever on Tuesday and now I finally understand what "name desu" means and how to say it. Half of the class were people over 40 that are going to be taking trips to Japan f...

Untitled 22 Jan 2003 | 05:21 am

Not much has been happening. I kind of just receded to my room for the past few weeks since there aren't many friends around north Austin. I put some new wheels on my Jimmy the other day. Not just ne...

Untitled 17 Jan 2003 | 04:49 am

ACC = sausagefest This is where all the people I hated in highschool go. 90% of the students smoke, as compared to UT's 80%. I signed up for an informal Japanese class at the Union. Hopefully I got...

Untitled 8 Jan 2003 | 10:09 pm

And for us (Guys), whack-off is something that really good. A good feelin that comes just for a while, even though it's %110% better w/ women, still..... it's totally cool. You people shouldn't be a s...

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