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Fishing Trip Nets Unexpected Prize 21 Aug 2013 | 11:19 pm

RH Reality Check has performed a great service in documenting the total waste of time perpetrated by the US House RAPEublicans' latest fishing expedition. In May, Republican members of two congressio...

Autism is NOT the new "orange". 20 Aug 2013 | 05:17 am

This hateful diatribe was surreptiously left by a pathetic creature.  She claims to be a mother.  From the vile tone of her letter, one might also suspect she's a "pro-life" zealot, one who wants gove...

What's Missing from The Star's Latest on Ford's Felonious Friends? 18 Aug 2013 | 01:08 am

The first sentence from The Star's latest story on Rob Fucking Ford and his criminal associates: Toronto police are investigating attempts by associates of Mayor Rob Ford to retrieve the crack cocain...

Practice Makes Perfect 16 Aug 2013 | 07:43 pm

Gwen LanDOLT is trying to walk back her most recent imbecility. Speaking to LifeShite, she claims her views were misrepresented in the CBC article that implied she was okey-dokey with the death penal...

PSA: Complain about fetal gore pr0n 16 Aug 2013 | 12:19 am

In the comments here Alison reports that the Fetal Gore Porn Gang has struck again, this time in Brampton. And the reaction -- again -- is predictably revulsion and outrage that children are exposed ...

It's NOT their fault. Abortion makes them do it. 15 Aug 2013 | 10:49 pm

From the You-Can't-Make-This-Shit-Up file: Fetus fetishists want to shut down Dr Tiller's recently reopened clinic because. . . . it attracts noisy, violent, disruptive nutbars. Now, anti-abortion g...

Help! I have a pre-born brainwashed soldier in my uterus! 14 Aug 2013 | 10:15 pm

This is interesting, not so much for the theology, but for the author's view of the necessity of the argument. A Catholic theologian, Charles Camosy, whom LifeShite tars as the guy who invited 'pro-a...

Keep digging! 13 Aug 2013 | 08:40 pm

 Harper, Ford, Flaherty and some other entitled person. The photograph was used last evening at this event, sponsored by the Canadian Labour Congress. Julie Lalonde did a presentation for Hollaback!...

Ford Follies: Monday Morning Round-up 12 Aug 2013 | 05:58 pm

Your Monday morning round-up on the bizarreness that is the Chief Magistrate of Toronto. First from the Globe and Mail, Rob Fucking Ford goes to jail. An after-hours appearance by Toronto Mayor Rob ...

Is that a politician in your pocket? 12 Aug 2013 | 01:23 am

So, Jabba the Mayor got wasted last night and wandered around Taste of the Danforth, where he was caught on video. NOW has the story with links to videos here. I may blog on this later, but for now I ...

Related Keywords:

dammit janet, ruh roh, what is the candidate (the party line), i meant going rouge dammit!, i meant "going rouge dammit!, i meant "going rouge" dammit!, the feti, repugnits, janet cannon canada, election poster

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