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New Blog Address 8 Mar 2012 | 01:07 am

Hi Everyone, I want to let you know that I've moved my blog to the following address. Best wishes, Andy

Knight of Swords 13 Oct 2011 | 11:33 pm

1. What (or who) is getting the best of you? 2. How can you better harness your power? 3. What is your intuition telling you about your current direction? 4. Where would you like to end up? What wo...

Two of Wands 8 Sep 2011 | 12:18 am

1. What conflicting desires must you integrate? 2. What options do you have? 3. How are you using your influence? 4. What do you see that others don't? 5. What must you put aside (for now)? 6. Wh...

Six of Pentacles 1 Sep 2011 | 12:47 am

1. How are you sharing your gifts? 2. Who is nurturing you? 3. Where is your energy going? 4. What/Who is giving you energy? 5. How are you frustrated? 6. What do you need?

Three of Wands 26 Aug 2011 | 11:54 pm

1. How are you figuring out what you really want? 2. How patient are you willing to be? 3. How will you keep your faith during the long haul? 4. How will you maintain the boundaries you need to acc...

Knight of Cups 22 Aug 2011 | 11:54 pm

1. Is there a painful - but buried - emotion that needs to be honored? 2. How might you go about doing so? 3. How can you be sure you are looking for emotional fulfillment in the right places? 4. W...

Eight of Swords 9 Aug 2011 | 11:07 pm

1. What is a dead end for you? 2. How did you get lost? 3. How can you figure out your correct path? 4. What are you telling yourself that isn't true?

Judgement 7 Aug 2011 | 12:19 am

1. What is your gift? 2. How can you best share it with others? 3. How are you honoring each aspect of your personality? 4. How are you being inspired? 5. At what crossroads do you stand? How will...

Five of Wands 2 Aug 2011 | 10:18 pm

1. What can you do to clear your head? 2. In what sense have you lost your way? 3. What can you do to get back on track? 4. How is having too many goals getting in the way of achieving any? 5. Wha...

The World 29 Jul 2011 | 01:12 am

1. What makes you float? 2. Why is being grounded and disciplined the best thing for your creatvity? 3. What can you do to become more spontaneous? 4. How can you better connect with a sense of sat...

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2 of pentacles and wheel of fortune

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