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Weekly Bloodlines for August 13th 14 Aug 2013 | 06:37 am

Back from vacation and dealing with a nasty viral infection that included multiple hospital visits to bring you a slew of independent horror news. Let’s get right to it. Acort International, one of t...

I’ll Be Waiting For You: Remembering Karen Black (1939-2013) 11 Aug 2013 | 11:44 pm

Hello again, Brothers and Sisters of the Psychotronic Video World! It’s with a heavy heart that I mention what you undoubtedly already know – that Karen Black, star of such films as HOUSE OF 1000 CORP...

Matt G.’s Desert Island Explodaganza! 9 Aug 2013 | 02:36 am

You know, I was really excited about writing an article about Dessert Island. I mean, who doesn’t want to visit an island made of dessert? Too bad it’s a desert island. Add that into the fact that I c...

Dueling Reviews: Chemical Burn Entertainment vs Reality Entertainment! 8 Aug 2013 | 08:21 pm

Welcome back readers to another edition of Dueling Reviews!  For those of you new to the process, I essentially review two movies in one article and let you know which one (if any) I believe are worth...

An Interview With A Black Devil Doll 4 Aug 2013 | 06:41 am

Well we are here. Today is the last day of the “There Goes Da Neighba’hood” Indiegogo Campaign. Despite the lack of all of you so called “fans” that have love for our beloved murderin’, thievin’, whit...

Trashlight (2013, Damnation Books) 25 Jul 2013 | 07:59 am

Greetings Brothers and Sisters of the Psychotronic Video World! J.D. Malinger here this evening with a heady little piece of literary escapism with which to enliven your humdrum day to day lives. And ...

Weekly Bloodlines for July 24th 24 Jul 2013 | 08:02 am

Time for more news, movie clips, and pre-order goodness for all our faithful readers! ANCHOR BAY ENTERTAINMENT PROUDLY PRESENTS HALLOWEEN 35TH ANNIVERSARY BLU-RAY™ Featuring all-new HD transfer s...

Master of Puppets: An Interview With Dustin Mills 21 Jul 2013 | 01:02 am

Hello again Brothers and Sisters of the Psychotronic Video World! J.D. Malinger here again, having sat down (so to speak) with Dustin Mills, an exciting indie filmmaker from, like everything good in h...

Top 10 Deserted Island Flicks – J.D. Malinger 13 Jul 2013 | 06:08 am

When Wes proposed that every member of the Blood Sprayer team contribute their own list of 10 “desert island” films, I was both intrigued and, to tell the truth, skeptical.  I honestly didn’t know if ...

Top 10 Deserted Island Flicks-Matt Pocock 10 Jul 2013 | 08:28 am

I’ve always wanted to do one of these Top 10 all time lists, but I had no idea it would be this difficult to dwindle down.  Obviously horror and exploitation is gonna reign supreme on my list, but som...

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