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After 9 years here at Chattablogs, we're moving. . . 12 Aug 2012 | 11:00 am

(photo from here). Dear Friends, after 9 years at "The Institute" all of my future blogging with be over my website, which is still somewhat underconstruction but is now live....

David Bartonism and the myth of pastoral omniscience 10 Aug 2012 | 11:53 pm

WORLD Magazine reports that Thomas Nelson decided to pull David Barton's book on the Founding Fathers. The Thomas Nelson publishing company has decided to cease publication and distribution of David B...

No, we are not at war with our culture 9 Aug 2012 | 04:51 am

New flash Christians: we are not at war with "the culture" or any other aspect of God's creation. War? If it's "war" how is victory declared on this side of Christ's return?...

Why aren't we talking about shame? ~ Dr. Brene Brown 9 Aug 2012 | 03:17 am

I wanted to wait to post this later but it's too good. This is profound, "We can't talk about race without talking about shame." ~ Dr. Brene Brown. Shame is another topic that many Christian leaders d...

Self-hatred, the forgotten human condition 8 Aug 2012 | 11:35 pm

There are two sides of pride: self-exaltation and self-hatred. Because of conservative Protestant's myopic understanding of human nature you rarely (ever) hear anyone apply the gospel to those who hat...

When religious celebrity narcissism leads . . . 8 Aug 2012 | 03:39 am

Because the consequences of the Fall, disordered virtues can actually contribute to one's "success." Research demonstrates that narcissist are more likely to emerge as leaders. Here's a definition: Na...

Why most blacks tend to vote for democrats? 7 Aug 2012 | 09:52 am

(Source: I get asked this question often: "why do blacks tend to vote for democrats when their social commitments tend to be more traditional and conservative?" Here's the reason: white...

"Free market" does not mean free of regulation. . . 5 Aug 2012 | 11:13 pm

The term "free market" does not mean free of regulation. It means free of government interference, that is, legal plunder and other official aggressive force. ~ Reason Magazine The Free Market Doesn't...

It's actually not "a gospel" issue nor is it about "Jesus," is it? 5 Aug 2012 | 11:25 am

Jesus and "the gospel" (and the Bible) have been become mascots for all sorts of social and political cultural battles in recent years. "Biblical" this and "biblical" that. When, in fact, many of our ...

Yeah, what Reason Mag says. . . . 5 Aug 2012 | 06:53 am

Stop Complaining About Outsourcing by Sheldon Richman Aug. 1, 2012 1:30 pm Reason Magazine When economic times are bad, animosity is directed at foreigners: "They're taking our jobs!" So it's unsurpri...

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