Melissamularski - - The Online Journal of Melissa Mularski

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Exercise log 09-27-09 28 Sep 2009 | 04:32 am

Sunday 09-27-09 Elliptical trainer Laps: 8.5 Time: 45 minutes Calories: 405 Watching: Intervention on A&E: Marci

Christmas trees and a movie 27 Sep 2009 | 04:30 pm

Helped with a bunch of Christmas trees at a store in Kohler all day. At night, Michael and I went to see The Surrogates.

Owen - homework and leaving 25 Sep 2009 | 09:44 am

We picked up Owen’s homework this afternoon, and he got it done in about 2 hours. He actually felt like he was getting a fever near the end, but he did everything with a smile on his face. Shortly aft...

Home sick 25 Sep 2009 | 05:05 am

After the FLL tours yesterday, the cold Owen’s had, which he’s had for almost 3 weeks now, went from mild to pretty bad. This morning he was hacking, coughing, sneezing and sniffing a lot. Last year h...

FIRST Lego League Field Trip Extravaganza 24 Sep 2009 | 02:49 pm

Once a month Owen’s school has an early release day where they get out at 12:15pm. Today was the day. Owen and four of his friends are preparing to compete in FIRST Lego League this November. Because ...

FLL Bridge 23 Sep 2009 | 03:09 pm

Owen had a lot of homework tonight so we got to Lego League at about 5pm. Part of their models is a long, fairly complex bridge. It’s done, although it’s not lining up correctly on the Lego mat. Tonig...

Visit from mom 22 Sep 2009 | 02:50 pm

My mom came over last night with her dogs, and stayed the night. This morning we hung out, we went out for lunch, then she shopped while I went to work. When Owen was done with school we picked him up...

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