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Pengantar Pizza 8 Jul 2011 | 02:30 am

Pemilik (BOSS) sebuah broker forex sedang melakukan kunjungan mendadak alias Sidak di bagian marketing/pemasaran dikantornya. Setelah beberapa saat berkeliling dia menemukan seorang anak muda sedang b...

Parkiran Broker vs Investor 5 Jul 2011 | 06:31 pm

Ada seorang pebisnis terkenal sedang berjalan-jalan bersama putra tunggalnya di New York untuk merayakan kelulusan dari SMU. Saat mereka sampai di depan sebuah gedung, sang putra bertanya, "Papa, ged...

Einstein 1 Jul 2011 | 05:44 pm

Einstein Einstein dies and goes to heaven only to be informed that his room is not yet ready. "I hope you will not mind waiting in a dormitory. We are very sorry, but it's the best we can do and you ...

Sang Ekonom 1 Jul 2011 | 05:42 pm

Economist One day an economist died and was accidentally sent to hell. As we all know, all dogs and economists go to heaven, but in this instance old saint Peter was off his game and our economist jo...

Perusahaan berdasarkan negaranya 1 Jul 2011 | 05:41 pm

THE CHANGING FACE OF CAPITALISM TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM: * You have two cows. * You sell one and buy a bull. * Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. * You sell them and retire on the income...

Broker dan Trader 1 Jul 2011 | 05:37 pm

A man in a hot air balloon realised he was lost. He reduced his altitude and saw a man below. "Excuse me, but can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago but I don't know whe...

Lotere 1 Jul 2011 | 05:36 pm

A broker named, Jean Paul, moved to Texas and bought a donkey from an old farmer named Ben for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the next day. The next day, Ben drove up and said, • Ben:...

Si Kodok 1 Jul 2011 | 05:34 pm

Two women were walking through the woods when a frog (FROG) called out to them and said: • FROG: Help me, ladies! I am a stockbroker who, through an evil witch's curse, has been transformed into a fr...

Bagaiman pasar bekerja 1 Jul 2011 | 05:32 pm

Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each. The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest a...

Istilah Forex 1 Jul 2011 | 05:30 pm

Advisor – orang yang menagih uang untuk se the one who charges money for a piece of stock advice to cover his/her losses on the market. Advisory Service - an advisor who lost a considerable amount of...

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