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The democratic freedom party: does it exist? | GoodbyeTV 6 May 2011 | 11:39 pm

via Is your country ‘really’ democratic? We at Goodbye have provided a list and commentary on those that are, are not, want to be or have no interest at all in being democracies. If yo...

nuclear energy: are there alternatives? | GoodbyeTV 6 May 2011 | 10:36 pm

via Italy’s rampantly manic prime minister Silvio Berlusconi recently stated that there is no point in having a referendum over going nuclear as the Italian people will just vote agains...

Is Bin Laden dead or alive? | GoodbyeTV 5 May 2011 | 02:43 am

via Wanted. Dead rather than Alive. Terminated and unable to be identified rather than given as evidence as the right person for a just ransom. Tried by death rather than trial. Condem...

Sniffer Dog adds another superhero to the team | GoodbyeTV 18 Apr 2011 | 08:55 pm

via Like all our Superheroes, Sniffer Dog is always on the prowl for those with extra super sensory talents to help in the fight against, well everything banal in this world. And so he ...

Japan and the Chernobyl level nuclear alarm | GoodbyeTV 15 Apr 2011 | 12:31 am

via Libya may have oil but Japan has nuclear disaster of epic Chernobyl level proportions. So which should the world's traditional media outlets be focusing on more? We ask: is Libya an...

Barclays bank and 1% tax, we say fightback | GoodbyeTV 5 Apr 2011 | 10:01 pm

via Barclays bank pays next to no corporation tax alonside record profits. Goodbyetv's superhero the Auditor asks, what can we do? And gives fightback advice. Read more at: http://www....

Gay scientists discover the christian gene | GoodbyeTV 4 Apr 2011 | 08:52 pm

via It seems there is good news for Christains everywhere with Gay scientists having uncovered the Christian Gene! Now if only they could uncover the Gay one, perhaps we could all lear...

Berlusconi and miracles: is he Jesus in disguise? | GoodbyeTV 2 Apr 2011 | 11:39 pm

via Has Silvio Berlusconi the Jesus answer to Lampedusa? Jesus fed the 5000 but Berlusconi has more than 6000 poor and needy at his feet. So far we have noted four 'professed' miracles...

Teachers protest: but what do they really make? | GoodbyeTV 30 Mar 2011 | 09:07 pm

Teachers under attack. We ask, what exactly do they make? 30 Mar 2011 by admin, No Comments » With teachers presently under political and media attack in the United States due to their exuberant pen...

How to Spot Everyday Evil - a Guide For Real life Superheroes. | GoodbyeTV 30 Mar 2011 | 12:49 am

via As a Superhero, I am often asked who’ s winning the battle between the forces of good and evil, how long will the battle rage, and if there is anything humans can do to help. After ...

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