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The Game Changer: Syria Will Strike Israel Should U.S. Attack 26 Aug 2013 | 11:40 pm

Syria is guilty of war crimes. According to the U.S., Israel and other Western nations, it was Syrian President Bashar al-Assed who was behind the chemical attack that left hundreds dead last week. A...

Collapse Reality: “If I Had to Be an Animal, I Was an Animal. It Was About Survival.” 26 Aug 2013 | 12:40 am

SHTFplan Editor’s note: Our friend Selco at SHTF School will change everything you may think about your life in a post-collapse world. For many of us, the idea that the world around us may fall apart ...

Go Time: “Pentagon is Making the Initial Preparations for a Cruise Missile Attack” 24 Aug 2013 | 12:18 pm

Two words for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: Get Out. It should be clear based on reports this week of US soldiers and intelligence operatives entering Syrian borders last Saturday that a military...

Report: War Looms: Hundreds of American Troops and CIA Operatives Have Entered Syria 23 Aug 2013 | 10:01 am

While the media panicked over the halting of NASDAQ stock trading due to a reported bug in the system (more on that shortly), one critical development went under-reported. In fact, it wasn’t reported ...

Preparing for What is Coming 23 Aug 2013 | 12:33 am

This informative article has been contributed by Survival Pulse. The signs that a SHTF event is headed to the U.S. have become so overwhelming that I felt a responsibility to write this. In this arti...

Presidential Meeting Signals Catastrophic Event: “There Is a Crisis Unfolding Somewhere in the Background” 21 Aug 2013 | 09:18 pm

If there’s one thing we know about how the US government operates, it’s that the American people are often the last to know about serious problems that may be taking place behind the scenes. This wee...

You Can Call Me a Doomer, You Can Call Me Whatever You’d Like 21 Aug 2013 | 12:03 am

If you follow alternative news and share or discuss it with your friends, family and acquaintances, there is a strong possibility that you’ve been treated to rolling eyes, laughter and total disbelief...

Those That Are Not Preparing For The Coming Economic Depression Are Going To Bitterly Regret It 19 Aug 2013 | 09:43 pm

The next great economic crisis is rapidly approaching, and most people are going to be totally blindsided by it.  Even though the warning signs areglaringly obvious, most Americans continue to believe...

Video: The New Common Core Obama Math Standard: “3 x 4 = 11″ 18 Aug 2013 | 10:54 pm

Earlier this year President Obama detailed his new educational initiatives aimed at “closing America’s school readiness gap.” As with all things Obama, it seems that “readiness” is yet another doubles...

The Massive Conspiracy Designed to Separate You From Your Children 18 Aug 2013 | 04:52 am

SHTFplan Editor’s note: Through new health care legislation and international treaties the government is progressively gaining more power over parents and their children. We can pretend this isn’t hap...

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