Most hoooo related news are at: – Claire's Crafty Creations

New Christmas stamps from Chocolate Baroque 27 Aug 2013 | 01:31 pm

Good morning folks, have you made a start on those Christmas projects yet? Glenda has some gorgeous new stamps this month at Chocolate Baroque to help you feel that festive vibe lol. This project feat...

Spooky goings on at Polkadoodles and a mischievous puppy 26 Aug 2013 | 01:26 pm

Hello my lovelies, ooooh I'm such a happy bunny :-) I've got a week off work, the sun is breaking through the clouds and to make me smiile even more I've passed the 400 followers mark. Thanks so much ...

More hoooo related news:

AWARD!!!!!! 20 May 2011 | 11:32 pm

Wooo hoooo!!!! Nice to be loved!!! This is for our Horn Service. Great news!

Dua Ribu Sebelas 9 Jan 2011 | 04:51 am

angka angka nangka ... wahai blog oren cair - cair kuning. selamat tahun baru. sahaja daku melewatkan ucapan ini selama lapan hari kerana ini blog daku. sukaHati la. hoooo... sebenarnya ntah kenap...

Round of applause! 30 Aug 2012 | 02:02 am

W'Hoooo!!! I can even post pictures too, I'm a happy bunny now :-D Watch out, there will be no shutting me up now hehe!!

Do domu nie wraca się nigdy [...]. Ale tam, gdzie zbiegają się przyjazne drogi, cały świat przez chwilę wydaje się domem.[ Hermann Hesse ] 23 Oct 2012 | 11:17 pm

Łooooo hoo hoo hoooo .... to żem rekord pobiła... no wiecie jak to jest im człowiek starszy tym mniej pamięta i mniej mu sie chce. Pisałam ostatnio o zimowej paranoi i wiecie co zaczęła sie jesienna.....

Joyeux Noël à tous !!! ( 高橋愛は大きなペニスを好む ) 22 Dec 2012 | 07:13 am

Hooooo hoooo hoooo ! Parce que chaque année je la poste à la même période, je ne déroge pas à la tradition ! CHATTE !

Donnez-nous mille colombes 28 Feb 2013 | 01:04 am

Hoooo mais qu’ai-je trouvé au courrier en rentrant chez moi???? … Un courrier de l’agence de la biomédecine!   (oui, dans un moment d’égarement je me suis inscrite sur le registre national de don de m...

WOOOO HOOOO! 21 Jun 2013 | 08:22 pm

Frank's exact words: WOOOO HOOOOO! Sorry if I was kinda whiny yesterday. I know life can't be fun all the time, but being bored all the time is getting pretty freaking boring. I mean, even Frank is h...

My Year Of Swimming Dangerously 2.0 12 Feb 2013 | 08:33 am

I am so proud of my “my real life wife” Kathleen Korth. She and I will celebrate our 15 year Anniversary of being together on February 14th, 2013. WHOOOO HOOOO. I feel so blessed. Kathleen makes me ...

Passage du Père Nowave 24 Dec 2010 | 05:14 pm

Ho, ho, hoooo !! Suite à un cordial échange avec Mimosa, j'attendais la réception de ma nouvelle Néo 8.4. La neige aura retardé la livraison mais me voilà ravi de la déposer au pied du sapin dés ce mi...

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