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Surprise! Updater's Update (August 10th, 2013) 11 Aug 2013 | 01:25 am

Hello all! Often times our updating staff gets so caught up in reviewing, revising, and uploading other member's sheet music that our own sheets can end up neglected. Here's a big special update for ...

Updatin' (June 11th, 2013) 12 Jun 2013 | 12:19 am

Sorry for the wait, guys. I meant for this to be up last week, but better late than never, huh? So here's the list: [N64] - Banjo-Kazooie - Gruntilda's Lair (Click Clock Wood) - The Deku Trombonist ...

More sprites related news:

Hello Dynamic Sprite 22 May 2010 | 04:56 am

If you are building a multilingual application (or any application that requires dynamic, runtime loaded assets), swapping and managing assets can easily become tedious and messy. Recently, for proje...

Creating a custom context menu item in Flash using ActionScript 3.0 5 Mar 2009 | 09:23 pm

The following example shows how you can add a custom context menu item to a Sprite object by setting the Sprite’s contextMenu property to a ContextMenu object. Full code after the jump.

Rotating a Sprite object around its x-axis in Flash using ActionScript 3.0 and Flash Player 10 27 Feb 2009 | 04:45 pm

The following example shows how you can 3D rotate a Sprite object around its x-axis with Flash, ActionScript 3.0, and Flash Player 10 by setting the object’s rotationX property. Full code after the j...

La classe asgard.display.Background 1 May 2009 | 06:00 am

Description La classe Background est une classe simple mais très efficace que j'utilise dans pratiquement tous mes projets AS3. Cette classe hérite de la classe flash.display.Sprite et permet de géné...

Find Unicode Regions Used in a Text File 12 Feb 2011 | 06:44 pm

When working with XNA on XBox 360 or Windows Phone 7 you have to register each font used in a sprite font file. You can just define there a big range that would ensure that the Unicode characters you ...

Sprite Animation Tutorial 20 May 2006 | 09:26 am

A third SDL tutorial has been added to the tutorials page: Animating Sprites with SDL I received a few requests to add animation to the previous tutorial, so here it is. Also, the downloads for the...

AndEngine – Usando Sprites 4 Nov 2011 | 12:45 am

Olá pessoal, já faz algum tempo desde de o último post do meu último post (AndEngine – Introdução) sobre AndEngine, mas antes tarde do que nunca. hehehe ˆˆV. Neste post mostrarei como criar um Sprit...

TYPO3 Sprite Icons verwenden 11 Jan 2011 | 07:13 am

Die meisten Icons im TYPO3 Backend werden seit TYPO3 4.4 mit sogenannten Sprites gerendert. Anstelle der einzelnen Bilddateien wird nur ein Sprite-Bild vom Server angefordert, das alle Icons dicht an ...

Button Sprite Maker 2.0 is launched! 24 Feb 2012 | 06:46 am

Easy Button Maker Version 2.0 is now available! Check out the Button Sprite Maker Web App! New Features in this version: Actual Button Preview CSS for "Cancel All" button automatically updates Ca...

Easy Flash Uploader Version 2 is Released! 1 Feb 2012 | 11:21 am

Easy Flash Uploader Version 2.0 is now available! New Features in this version: New Theme Selector New Button Sprite selector Optimizations and Bug Fixes

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