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Building Web site search for large sites. Part 1 – Sphinx 11 Nov 2012 | 02:36 am

So . You have a large site and you try to build a search functionality for it. I’m going to test some opensource solutions that are out there. Of course all of them i will test on TFM/Gnu Linux. Fir...

Building Web site search for large sites. Part 1 – Sphinx 11 Nov 2012 | 02:36 am

So . You have a large site and you try to build a search functionality for it. I’m going to test some opensource solutions that are out there. Of course all of them i will test on TFM/Gnu Linux. First...

Upcoming changes in tfm server in september 2011 28 Aug 2011 | 09:41 am

There are a lot of planned changes in tfm server for september 2011. First and one of the most important change is that apache is relocated from /opt/tfm/apache2 to /usr in order to increase compatib...

Upcoming changes in tfm server in september 2011 28 Aug 2011 | 05:41 am

There are a lot of planned changes in tfm server for september 2011. First and one of the most important change is that apache is relocated from /opt/tfm/apache2 to /usr in order to increase compatibi...

TFM/GNU linux server 3.4 RC1 21 Jun 2011 | 09:12 am

After a long wait and lots of internal changes TFM/GNU Linux server 3.4 is ready. The product will be released first to our partners and soon after to the public. What is new ? Installation flow is ...

TFM/GNU linux server 3.4 RC1 21 Jun 2011 | 05:12 am

After a long wait and lots of internal changes TFM/GNU Linux server 3.4 is ready. The product will be released first to our partners and soon after to the public. What is new ? Installation flow is no...

TFM/GNU linux server 3.3 RC7 11 Jun 2010 | 10:49 pm

TFM/GNU linux server 3.3 RC7 is now available. There are a lot of changes since the last RC. Kernel was updated to 2.6.34, apache 2.2.15, php 5.2.13, mysql 5.0.90 . iscisi support was improved , and...

TFM/GNU linux server 3.3 RC7 11 Jun 2010 | 06:49 pm

TFM/GNU linux server 3.3 RC7 is now available. There are a lot of changes since the last RC. Kernel was updated to 2.6.34, apache 2.2.15, php 5.2.13, mysql 5.0.90 . iscisi support was improved , and a...

BLUG*OS*CON 11 Dec 2009 | 10:20 pm

Vă invităm la Conferința BLUG*OS*CON, ce va avea loc în data de 12 Decembrie 2009, în Amfiteatrul AN010, Politehnică , București Un eveniment dedicat oricărui utilizator de Software Open Source, în...

BLUG*OS*CON 11 Dec 2009 | 02:20 pm

Vă invităm la Conferința BLUG*OS*CON, ce va avea loc în data de 12 Decembrie 2009, în Amfiteatrul AN010, Politehnică , București Un eveniment dedicat oricărui utilizator de Software Open Source, încep...

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