Wordpress - fitforakid.wordpress.com - Fit for a kid

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Bullets 16 Jan 2012 | 05:00 pm

If you haven’t already changed your reader, your subscription or your bookmark, you’re in luck ’cause I’m giving you at least one more chance! Today’s post can be found here http://www.fitforakid.net...

Moving Day 14 Jan 2012 | 07:45 am

Fit for a Kid is moving. From here on out you can find Liisa, Derek, Lil D and Lil C at FitforaKid.Net. It’s a new look, a new feel, some new cool tools which make things easier for me and more fun f...

Ups and Downs: Rotavirus 11 Jan 2012 | 07:09 am

After a wonderful week with my parents, brother, sis-in-law and niece, we have had a bit of a setback. My Googliagnosis (def’n: diagnosis made via extensive research at the university of Google) is ro...

Fitness Friday: Hot Stuff 7 Jan 2012 | 09:57 am

I’ve had the Wineglass Marathon website open in a tab in my browser for about 36 hours now. I can’t seem to get out my credit card and make the payment though. If you’ve experienced childbirth, you r...

Spanish Lessons: Day 1 3 Jan 2012 | 05:23 am

I am sitting in the Spanish school‘s open air cafeteria enjoying a big bowl of bananas, pineapple and coffee as my boys have their first Spanish lesson upstairs. An aside: There are no indoor restaur...

Tico Hospitality 31 Dec 2011 | 11:37 pm

We are living in a tourist area. Every day is a holiday here and thus I just realized that today is New Year’s Eve. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOURS! Last year at this time I set out at theme and som...

Fitness Friday: Strengthen Your Core for a Cause 31 Dec 2011 | 02:55 am

Shortly after I started blogging, I posted about my friend Julie’s daughter Kate. Since then, and after four years of unanswered questions, Kate has been diagnosed with a very rare form of mitochondri...

Supermercado 29 Dec 2011 | 04:54 pm

Yesterday morning, with our belongings still in the Continental Airlines vortex, I set out in my new dress (purchased on my way into town from the airport) and my sneakers to get us some groceries, to...

Tico Tuesday: We’re Here in Costa Rica… Just Barely 28 Dec 2011 | 05:20 pm

We set out for Tamarindo, Costa Rica at 4:30 am yesterday morning. We had packed the car the evening before and the morning preparations went smoothly. The boys and I arrived at the Continental check-...

Tico Tuesday: Vegetarian Dream 21 Dec 2011 | 10:47 am

Costa Rica is a veggie paradise. Fresh (local) fruits and salads and the nutritious and flavorful staples described below are all this woman needs to be happy. Well, along with strong Costa Rican coff...

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