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Tech Talk - A Dickensian Situation revisited 27 Aug 2013 | 09:25 am

Back in March 2005 I posted my first offering to the new site that Kyle and I had agreed to call “The Oil Drum.” Now, some eight years later, this will be my final Tech Talk to appear on that site, an...

Waterjetting 12c - Jet assisted metal cutting 21 Aug 2013 | 09:30 am

The first two posts in this section described how, in cutting through rock, the tool and the rock would be compressed together so that temperatures could be created in and around the tool that would e...

The Reality 3 Webinar for Poser 20 Aug 2013 | 07:17 am

Just recently Paolo Ciccone at Preta3D released Reality 3, which is a pathway to allow folk who model in Poser to use the LuxRender engine, rather than the Firefly engine, which comes with the program...

Tech Talk - Where to look for more oil this year. 19 Aug 2013 | 09:08 am

The news that Saudi Arabia is planning to employ 200 drilling rigs next year (up from 20 back in 2005) suggests that there is a recognition that future reserves may not measure up to the planned volum...

Waterjetting 12b - Jet Assisted Mechanical Rock Cutting 14 Aug 2013 | 09:30 am

Whenever material is cut using a conventional mechanical tool then heat is generated in the process. High-pressure waterjets can dramatically change this process, with considerable benefit. However, t...

Hyperlooping and Planetran 14 Aug 2013 | 02:03 am

There has been considerable fanfare this week over the Hyperloop idea, put forward by Elon Musk. In this concept, which was, in this case developed by engineers at Tesla and SpaceX, trains would trave...

Tech Talk - Oil Supply, Oil Prices and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 12 Aug 2013 | 08:23 am

From the time that The Oil Drum first began, and through the years up to the Recession of 2008-9 there was an increase in the price of oil, and that resumed following the initial period of that recess...

Rowing the Northwest Passage - Part 2 11 Aug 2013 | 08:50 am

The rowers that I have been watching as they seek to traverse the Northwest Passage are currently making good progress and have just crossed from the Northwest Territories into Nunavut. Figure 1. Pos...

Waterjetting 12A - The heat involved in cutting - Part A - Cutting Rock 8 Aug 2013 | 08:21 am

As I was beginning to write these posts Bob Pedrazas, who is kind enough to transcribe these words over to the KMT Waterjet page, gave me some questions that had been asked about the technology of hig...

Tech Talk - A cautionary tale evolves over shale gas 5 Aug 2013 | 09:44 pm

The development of the shale gas deposits in the United States, led by the drilling and fracking of horizontal wells into the Barnett Shale of Texas at the turn of the century, has opened up a resourc...

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